
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Travelling... great fun, but in some cases (at least when it comes to work related trips) it gets to much...Since my last post Feb 7, I have mostly been on tour...Customer visits all over the country, like last week....two days in Linköping..then a 240 km drive up to Arlanda Airport for a late flight to Luleå (north of Sweden), then back home on Wednesday evening...followed by a 200 km drive to (and from) Nyköping on Thursday. Sigh...Friday...and the weekend came as a relief more or less :) Then a fresh start on Monday morning, a trip to cities of Köping and Västerås for two days. Not that far away from home, but still...Today is Wednesday...gotta stay in the office now to take care of all the administrative stuff. Complaining? :) As I said...great fun, but the planning could be better...

Anyhow..last weekend was surprisingly :-) enough spent in the stable(s) ...Friday..dressage practice for Maja and the pony, Saturday.. pony racing practice at Angarn, also a short visit at Louise'e stable to take some photos of one of the ponies..Gina. Gina is sold and was to be picked up by her new owner on Sunday, so it was about time to take some last photos...
Amadeus..                                              Gina...

Sunday...was great fun. Loverly weather, sunny and lots of snow. First...some work in the stable, but then..some real fun :) Kind of skijoring...pulled by a horse and standing on skis :) Absolutely hilarious... 
After that...some relly nice riding with Maja..galloping and trotting on the snowy roads...and then a slow walk home through the forest and across the fields...fantastic experience...

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