
Monday, February 7, 2011

Busy, busy...

Monday morning...again?!? The days are passing to fast at the moment. Busy weekend as usual, some dressage practice on Saturday morning, then a quick glance at the show jumping practice at Foderby. Lunch, and then some pony racing practice for Maja. We had some nice two hours of watching the kids practice for the first time this year. A snow track on the field was prepared...great for the ponies. They seemed to enjoy it...all of them Nice warm weather...and some great photos as well...Tired but quite relaxed during Saturday evening. ...
Yesterday  was a bit of a slow day..but I managed to get some cleaning done, also a long walk with the dog....and finally some work preparation for the upcoming week..

Meanwhile...good news from Denmark. Malin and Toscanini qualified for dressage MSvA in their first attempt. Placed 2nd in the first class, and the 1st in the second class (69,4%)...Congrats Malin! Finally the effort starts paying off :).

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