
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Top level riding...:)

I enjoy playing with words, did I mention that? The title is a bit twisted...but why not? The weather yesterday was quite unstable...between the showers we decided to go we I mean Maja and her best friend. We where lucky with the rain, and in fact quite sunny :) After passing a forest invaded by mosquitos we ended up on top of one of the highest hills in Vallentuna...the climb really was an effort...but well worth it..once we reached the top we where rewarded by a stunning view...A strange ride above the tree-tops on a flat (well almost) grass field...watching the Kaknäs tower and Stockholm Globe Arena (two of the most famous buildings in Stockholm) at a distance. This was a really nice tour...despite the mosquitos. The girls where happy...I was happy...since I managed to get some really nice photos :)

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