
Monday, May 31, 2010


...for a 5 hour drive to Gothenburg tomorrow. Had some fun with the dog (Bill) in the garden...He really loves his favourite toy, a ball...or rather what's left of it :) No matter where he is...the ball is alway there...As the photo shows..Bill is a laugh...always making funny faces and behaving in an unorthodox way :)

Coming to think of it...perhaps this photo gives a more fair view of Bill's charming personality ?

Horses and ponies...

...the never ending story. The major part af my life (when not working) tends to be occupied by some kind of equestrian activity. Yesterday was no exception, novise show jumping for ponies at Angarn. The youngest daughter made her debut, jumping 6o cm with a good result. Upcoming weekend, CNC** eventing at Strömsholm. Let's hope for some decents shots from there :)

Restarting the blog

This blog has been more or less closed during the past year. One reason is the limited time for blogging activities. The urge to write and publish photos is however too strong to neglect, so I decided to restart the blog again. /Bo